Reader Interactions


  1. Vivian M Reilly says

    It was 40+ years ago that I went to a crafts show here in Lafayette, LA. I saw someone doing demos at a booth and went to see what she was doing. That was my introduction to making cards and real stamping. The woman was so happily working away while talking about what she was doing and she and her husband were such kind, gentle and patient, friendly people that I wanted to be able to create beauty, as well. I was in touch with them until they retired and I will always miss them. I carry them in my heart and prayers always.

    Over the years I’ve met some of the nicest people through stamping and, now, in the past several years, I met Patsy Waggoner and she is so like the first people I met so many years ago. She has the patience of Job and I love her. I carry her in my heart and prayers always.

    • Patsy Waggoner says

      Thanks so much Vivian for sharing. It is amazing how much you can care about someone you have never meet in person. I too hold you dear and near to my heart!!!

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